KIDA is a database of kinetic data of interest for astrochemical (interstellar medium and planetary atmospheres) studies.
Indicate a species (ex: H3O+) or a couple of species (ex: C + H2)
Warning : Second letter of 2-letters elements have to be lowercase, eg Si
Use the generic names of the species, avoid the cyclic or linear forms (ex: for c-C3H indicate C3H) , the isotopic numbers (for (13)C indicate C, except for deuterium), or the excited states (for C(1D) indicate C). You will be able to choose these forms in the next step.
Warning : Second letter of 2-letters elements have to be lowercase, eg Si
Use the generic names of the species, avoid the cyclic or linear forms (ex: for c-C3H indicate C3H) , the isotopic numbers (for (13)C indicate C, except for deuterium), or the excited states (for C(1D) indicate C). You will be able to choose these forms in the next step.